Audiobooks rocket indie science fiction author to No 1 spot on Amazon Charts

The latest title from an indie science fiction writer has shot straight to the top as a new entry on Amazon’s Most Sold Chart on the strength of audiobook business.

All These Worlds by Dennis E Taylor has replaced Mark Sullivan’s Beneath A Scarlet Sky at No 1 (week of August 13) with Amazon reporting that more readers listened to All These Worlds on Audible than read the book on Kindle this week. The book is also available on Kindle Unlimited.

The book is the third title in the author’s very successful Bobiverse series following the first book We Are Legion (We Are Bob) and For We Are Many.

Before the Bobiverse books, Dennis Taylor self-published the well-received Outland but since then the three Bobiverse titles have moved into an interesting and growing area — agent-sponsored publishing.

The books are now published through Worldbuilders Press, which is the science fiction and fantasy imprint of The Ethan Ellenberg Literacy Agency, based in New York.

The agency provides editorial support, art direction for the cover (commissioned at the agent’s expense to be recouped from earnings), production assistance and marketing support.

In May 2017 the company said the second Bobiverse book For We Are Many (published in April) was the No 1 audiobook in the entire Audible store for the week of April 21.

The first book of the series We Are Legion was then in ninth place on the Audible sales list and hit 100,000 sales on Audible in its first seven months of publication.

Those are fantastic figures for audiobook sales and show just how important the audio market is becoming. Only last week I reported on how a self-published science fiction writer Craig A Falconer had entered the Amazon Most Read chart due to audiobook sales.

The recently introduced Amazon Charts are proving to be an interesting innovation as they combine sales from across several product areas covering print books, ebooks and audiobooks although, of course, these are exclusively Amazon-owned outlets.

The Most Sold chart ranks books according to the number of copies sold and pre-ordered through,, Amazon Books stores and books read through digital subscription programs.

The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency has four publishing imprints covering military science fiction, science fiction and fantasy, suspense and mysteries, and romance.

The firm accepts unsolicited manuscripts and seriously considers all submissions, including from first-time writers. It will consider submissions for works that are self-published or previously published through other small or non-traditional outlets. You can find out more about submission guidelines on The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency website.

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