BookBub offers free India promotion deals

Leading ebook promotion site BookBub has added India to the list of countries it covers and it’s free to use until June 4

India is the second-biggest English-speaking market in the world and there’s huge potential for ebooks in the country. The most common e-reading device in India is the smartphone, which has seen widespread adoption, with the country now the third-biggest smartphone market in the world.

To get an idea of the possible scale of the market, consider that India has 125 million English speakers, which is more than the total of the UK, Canada and Australia combined, and the country also has a high literacy rate.

BookBub previously covered the US, Canada and the UK and it offers separate promo rates for each country but as the firm is building up its India customer base, you can add an India deal to any other BB promo free until June 4.

Amazon, Kobo and Google all have ebook stores for India, so if you have published internationally through any of those retailers, then you can promote your ebook with the BB India offer.

Amazon has an extensive range of ebooks available in its store and it’s possible to price territorially, so you can set a different price of your ebook in India than for the rest of the world.

However, the biggest ebook seller in India is claimed to be Flipkart, which is a massive online store selling a wide range of products.

Smashwords offers ebook distribution to Flipkart for self-published authors and pays 60% of list price for sales through that channel.

Publishondemand also offers distribution through Flipkart. The company specialises in emerging markets and is building distribution networks in India, China, Africa and the Middle East.

How to get your books picked for a BookBub promotion