The Kindle Unlimited KENP rate for April 2018 held steady at $0.0045, the same level as in March, while the KDP Select Global fund edged up to a new high of $21.2 million, $200,000 up from March’s $21 million.
The KENP rate for the UK market rose marginally to $0.0035 from £0.0034 in March.
For April 2018, using the calculation of dividing the total KDP Select fund ($21.2 million) by the US KENP rate ($0.0045) to get an idea of the total number of KENPs read results in around 4.7 billion, a slight increase from 4.66 billion KENPs read during March. Previous months’ figures include 4.54 billion in February, 4.75 billion KENPs in January, 4.42 billion in December 2017 and 4.3 billion in November.
The total paid out by the KDP Select Global fund for the first four months of this year now totals $82.1 million. At the same time in 2017 the total for the fund was $70.1 million, so the year-on-year increase is staying at around 17% in KU cash paid out, which would mean an overall fund payout of more than $260 million over the whole of 2018.
The US KENP payout figures for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are:
- January: $0.0041
- February: $0.0047 (KENP v2.0 introduced)
- March: $0.0047
- April: $0.0048
- May: $0.0046
- June: $0.0049
- July: $0.0048
- August: $0.0045
- September: $0.0049
- October: $0.0052
- November: $0.0053
- December: $0.0052
- January: $0.0047
- February: $0.0049
- March: $0.0046
- April: $0.0045
- May: $0.0043
- June: $0.0042
- July: $0.0040
- August: $0.0041 (KENP v3.0 introduced)
- September: $0.0044
- October: $0.0045
- November: $0.0046
- December: $0.0050
- January: $0.0044
- February: $0.0046
- March: $0.0045
- April: $0.0045
The monthly KDP Select Global fund totals for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are:
- January: $15 million
- February: $14 million (KENP v2.0 introduced)
- March: $14.9 million
- April: $14.9 million
- May: $15.3 million
- June: $15.4 million
- July: $15.5 million
- August: $15.8 million
- September: $15.9 million
- October: $16.2 million
- November: $16.3 million
- December: $16.8 million
Overall total for 2016: $186 million
- January: $17.8 million
- February: $16.8 million
- March: $17.7 million
- April: $17.8 million
- May $17.9 million
- June $18 million
- July: $19 million
- August: $19.4 million (KENP v3.0 introduced)
- September $19.5 million
- October $19.7 million
- November: $19.8 million
- December: $19.9 million
Overall total for 2017: $222.6 million
- January: $20.9 million
- February: $20 million
- March: $21 million
- April: $21.2 million
Total so far for 2018: $82.1 million
The annual total figures for KU since it started are:
2014: $31.735 million (Jul-Dec)
2015: $131.6 million
2016: $186 million
2017: $222.6 million
2018 (so far): $61.9 million
Grand total of $655.035 million