Kindle Unlimited KENP rate for November 2018 leaps to a two-year high of $0.0052

The Kindle Unlimited KENP rate for November 2018 rose by 8% to hit a two-year high of $0.0052 from $0.0048 in October, while the KDP Select Global fund rose by its customary $100,000 to $23.6 million from $23.5 million.

In the UK market, the KENP rate for November 2018 rose to £0.0038 from £0.0036 in October 2018.

The KDP Select fund for November 2018 rose to $23.6 million which represented a 19% increase on the $19.8 million paid out in November 2017.

Amazon has also announced that the move from CreateSpace to KDP Print is now complete, with all authors and publishers now moved over to the merged service.

The KENP rate was the highest paid out since November 2016 when it was $0.0053. The rate has risen by 18% over the course of 2018 so far from a low of $0.0044 in January to the high point of $0.0052 in November after a generally steady trend this year, with $0.0046 in February, $0.0045 for March, April and May, $0.0046 in June, $0.0045 in July and $0.0045 again for August before a September rise to $0.0048 and $0.0048 again for October.

Kindle Unlimited has now paid out a total of over $816 million to authors since it launched in July 2014. At the present rate, the grand total is likely to hit $1 billion some time in summer 2019.

For November 2018, using the calculation of dividing the total KDP Select fund ($23.6 million) by the US KENP rate ($0.0052) to get an idea of the total number of KENPs read during the month results in 4.53 billion KENPs, down from October’s 4.89 billion.

The total paid out by the KDP Select Global fund for the first 11 months of this year now totals $244.1 million, which represents an 8% increase when compared with the total paid out over the whole 12 months of 2017, with the December 2018 figures to be released in mid-January 2019. 

The US KENP payout figures for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are:


January: $0.0041
February: $0.0047 (KENP v2.0 introduced)
March: $0.0047
April: $0.0048
May: $0.0046
June: $0.0049
July: $0.0048
August: $0.0045
September: $0.0049
October: $0.0052
November: $0.0053
December: $0.0052


January: $0.0047
February: $0.0049
March: $0.0046
April: $0.0045
May: $0.0043
June: $0.0042
July: $0.0040
August: $0.0041 (KENP v3.0 introduced)
September: $0.0044
October: $0.0045
November: $0.0046
December: $0.0050


January: $0.0044
February: $0.0046
March: $0.0045
April: $0.0045
May: $0.0045
June: $0.0046
July: $0.0045
August: $0.0045
September: $0.0048
October: $0.0048
November: $0.0052

The monthly KDP Select Global fund totals for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are:


January: $15 million
February: $14 million (KENP v2.0 introduced)
March: $14.9 million
April: $14.9 million
May: $15.3 million
June: $15.4 million
July: $15.5 million
August: $15.8 million
September: $15.9 million
October: $16.2 million
November: $16.3 million
December: $16.8 million

Overall total for 2016: $186 million


January: $17.8 million
February: $16.8 million
March: $17.7 million
April: $17.8 million
May $17.9 million
June $18 million
July: $19 million
August: $19.4 million (KENP v3.0 introduced)
September $19.5 million
October $19.7 million
November: $19.8 million
December: $19.9 million

Overall total for 2017: $222.6 million


January: $20.9 million
February: $20 million
March: $21 million
April: $21.2 million
May: $22.5 million
June: $22.6 million
July: £23.1 million
August: $23.3 million
September: $23.4 million
October: $23.5 million
November: $23.6 million

Total so far for 2018: $244.1 million

The annual total figures for Kindle Unlimited since it started are:

2014: $31.735 million (Jul-Dec)

2015: $131.6 million

2016: $186 million

2017: $222.6 million

2018 (so far): $244.1 million

Grand total of $816.305 million

So long, CreateSpace! Amazon starting shift from print platform in merger with Kindle Direct Publishing