Self-published print books leap by 52% at Amazon as annual influx climbs to over 1.4 million titles

Amazon’s CreateSpace self-publishing print book platform smashed through the million mark last year as 1.4 million titles were published through CS, representing an annual increase of 52%.

The figures from US ISBN provider Bowker show there were 1,416,384 print titles with ISBNs published through CreateSpace in 2018 compared with 929,295 in 2017.

The figures are revealed in US ISBN provider Bowker’s annual survey which focuses on books published that use ISBNs. The vast majority of ebooks that are self-published don’t use ISBNs and many Kindle Direct Publishing authors use Amazon’s free ISBN for their print books.

2018 was the swansong for CreateSpace as Amazon shifted over to KDP Print as their print-on-demand platform. The move to KDP Print started in September 2018 so it’s likely that the true total of self-published print titles was even higher than in Bowker’s survey.

Amazon is far and away the dominant force in the print self-publishing market. The companies in second and third places for print books in the survey are:

  • 2: Lulu Press: 37,456 (up slightly from 36,651 in 2017)
  • 3: Blurb: 17,682 (down from 19,223 in 2017)

‘The self-publishing landscape continues to improve, creating more and more opportunities for authors to manage their own path through the process,’ says Beat Barblan, Bowker Vice President of Publishing and Data Services and chairman of the board.

You can check out the full report at the Bowker website.