How to become a publisher in 4 hours a week

Wandering star: the first book in the Tim Ferris Book Club is an audiobook of Vagabonding by Rolf Potts.

The man who found fame and fortune with The 4-Hour Work Week is setting up a company to publish the books that changed his life.

Tim Ferris has had three No 1 bestsellers in the 4-Hour series and for his most recent book, the 4-Hour Chef, he ditched his traditional publisher and moved to Amazon.

Now he he has been buying audiobook and ebook rights to books that have changed his life and is producing audiobooks in professional studios to kick off the Tim Ferriss Book Club.

Ferris gives a range of reasons for making the publisher a book club, including his admiration for Oprah Winfrey’s Book Club and the fact that he couldn’t find a book club for 20-40-year-old males, although he intends to extend the book club to women as well.

He believes he can at least double an author’s print sales by marketing audiobooks and ebooks on his blog which has an enormous reach with millions of page views a month. The first book in the club is the travel classic Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts.

On a globe-spanning journey, Ferris took little luggage and only two books: Walden by Henry David Thoreau and Vagabonding and he says Potts’ small tome easily remains in his top-10 list for life-changing books. He says everything in Vagabonding works and the book changed his life completely.

The audiobook is narrated by Potts and includes new case studies and a preface by Ferris. Rolf Potts has a great travel blog at Vagabonding.