Draft2digital adds Author Pages and Book Tabs to improve ebook discoverability

Leading ebook distributor Draft2digital has introduced two free new tools for authors to help their books reach a wider audience — Author Pages and Book Tabs.

D2D Author Pages offer a single platform where readers can find out more about an author and discover all of their books. The layout includes:

  • Author bio.
  • Author photo.
  • Links to social media accounts.
  • Customizable page elements to help promote books to readers.
  • A button to click to follow an author for new release notifications or to join a mailing list.
  • Carousels of books and series.

Draft2digital says whether you are selling in one storefront or two or 12, readers will be able to find your books at the retailer of their choice.

D2D has also added Book Tabs which give your readers a place to find out everything they need to know to make the decision to buy and read your book.

Using D2D’s Universal Book Links (UBLs), Book Tabs are completely independent of any single ebook retailer. Readers can click the Buy Now button and find a book everywhere it’s sold online. They can choose a default store, so the next time they click Buy Now on a book page, they go straight to their choice.

Book Tabs include:

  • Your book and series titles
  • Your name as the author, with a link for readers to find more books by you
  • The cover image of your book
  • A customizable book description
  • Customizable page elements to help promote your book to readers
  • A Buy Now button that uses our UBLs
  • Thumbnails of other books in the same series
  • Your author photo and bio, along with links and buttons for readers to follow you on social media, and to either sign up for your mailing list or notified when you have new releases

 You can get more details at Books2read.com.

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