Kindle Storyteller European award winners include thrillers, science fiction and travel memoir

Amazon runs literary contests around the world offering substantial cash prizes and the winners of this year’s Storyteller awards throughout Europe have been revealed.

The winner of the €15,000 German Kindle Storyteller Award 2022 is In the Mist of Freedom (Im Neibl der Freiheit) by Iris Krumbiegel, a romantic thriller set during the First World War.

Germany also has a Kindle Storyteller X Award, which rotates genre each year and this year was for non-fiction and guidebooks. The winner of the award and the €5,000 cash prize is Journeys on the Magic Blanket (Reisen auf der Zauberdecke) by Susanna Hartmann-Strauss, which focuses on relaxation techniques to calm children’s anxiety.

In France, the winner of Les Plumes Francophones Amazon Storyteller 2022 €10,000 award is the science fiction novel The Bannies (Les Bannis) by Charlotte Deleval.

In Italy, the Amazon Storyteller Literary Award Winner 2022 with a €10,000 cash prize went to Long White Cloud (Lunga Nuvola Bianca) by Terence Biffi, a book about the author’s travels in New Zealand.

The winner of Spain’s €10,000 Amazon Storyteller Literary Award 2022 is the supernatural thriller Don’t Wake the Devil (No Despiertes al Diablo) by Raquel Ortega.