Amazon runs literary contests around the world offering substantial cash prizes and the winners of this year’s Storyteller awards throughout Europe have been revealed.
The winner of the €15,000 German Kindle Storyteller Award 2022 is In the Mist of Freedom (Im Neibl der Freiheit) by Iris Krumbiegel, a romantic thriller set during the First World War.
Germany also has a Kindle Storyteller X Award, which rotates genre each year and this year was for non-fiction and guidebooks. The winner of the award and the €5,000 cash prize is Journeys on the Magic Blanket (Reisen auf der Zauberdecke) by Susanna Hartmann-Strauss, which focuses on relaxation techniques to calm children’s anxiety.
In France, the winner of Les Plumes Francophones Amazon Storyteller 2022 €10,000 award is the science fiction novel The Bannies (Les Bannis) by Charlotte Deleval.
In Italy, the Amazon Storyteller Literary Award Winner 2022 with a €10,000 cash prize went to Long White Cloud (Lunga Nuvola Bianca) by Terence Biffi, a book about the author’s travels in New Zealand.
The winner of Spain’s €10,000 Amazon Storyteller Literary Award 2022 is the supernatural thriller Don’t Wake the Devil (No Despiertes al Diablo) by Raquel Ortega.