Kindle Unlimited KENP payment for December 2015 falls by 8% after glitch sees Amazon remove sales reports

The Kindle Unlimited KENP payout to authors fell by 8% in December to $0.0045 per page from $0.0049 in November despite another new record high for the KDP Select global fund.

The fund for December 2015 hit a monthly record of $13.5 million as Amazon added $1.5 million to the original fund of $12 million, bringing the fund total for the year to $131.6 million.

There was a layer of intrigue added to the publication of December’s figures when Amazon released and then quickly retracted the sales reports for the month due to problems concerning KENP calculations.

Amazon said, ‘We identified an issue with the December Prior Months’ Royalty report impacting KENP Read. We have removed the reports and are working to correct the issue. We will republish the reports once they have been corrected, and we will update once the issue is resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.’

It must have been a major issue as it took over eight hours for the presumably corrected reports to be published. I wasn’t fast enough to download an original report so I don’t know what the problem was but if anyone out there did manage to download their first report I’d love to know what the KENP figure was on it, please get in touch through the Contact page.

It looks like December’s reading total on Kindle Unlimited hit the 3 billion KENP mark for the first time ($13.5 million fund/$0.0045 KENP rate), which would represent a sharp rise of 15% from around 2.6 billion in November. There had also only been small rises in October (2.5 billion) and September (2.4 billion).

The track record of Kindle Unlimited so far shows that steep rises in lending see cuts in the pay rate to authors, which are generally followed by a relative lending plateau of a few months of much slower growth with author payments staying at a steady level.

Kindle Unlimited payout steady in November as Amazon balances out market differences

Pay-per-page is paying off for many Kindle Unlimited authors