Kindle Unlimited November KENP rate hits another new high of $0.0053

The Kindle Unlimited November KENP payout edged up to a new high with a payout of $0.0053, a 2% rise from October’s $0.0052, which was the prevous highest monthly rate under the pay-per-page v2.0 scheme.

The KDP Select global fund also showed a marginal rise to $16.3 million from $16.2 million in October and $15.9 million in September.

Amazon has now paid out nearly $170 million to Kindle Unlimited authors in the calendar year so far and the total figure for the full year looks set to be around $186 million or so — that’s around $55 million more than was paid out on KU in 2015 and would mean a year-on-year rise in the region of 40%.

In the UK, the KENP rate for November increased to £0.0037 from £0.0035 in October, £0.0033 in September and £0.0030 in August.

Strangely, in Germany, the November KENP rate was down slightly to €0.0035 from 0.0036 in October.

It looks like total KENPs read during November fell again to around 3.07 billion. That’s down slightly from my October estimate of 3.11 billion KENPs and by considerably bigger amounts from 3.24 billion KENPs in September and 3.51 billion KENPs in August.

My calculations are always a rough estimate as Amazon doesn’t release any figures. I divide the total KDP Select global fund by the US KENP rate as the US is by far the biggest market ($16.3 million/$0.0053). I use the same basis each month so although it doesn’t take into account the various weightings of international markets it does offer a benchmark of sorts.

The monthly KENP rates for 2016 so far are:

  • January: $0.0041
  • February: $0.0048 (the first month of KENPC v2.0, a revised way of calculating the number of pages in a Kindle ebook)
  • March: $0.0047
  • April: $0.0048
  • May: $0.0046
  • June: $0.0049
  • July: $0.0048
  • August: $0.0045
  • September: $0.0049
  • October: $0.0052
  • November: $0.0053

Average monthly KENP rate over January-November 2016: $0.0048

The monthly KDP Select global fund totals for 2016 are:

  • January: $15 million
  • February: $14 million
  • March: $14.9 million
  • April: $14.9 million
  • May: $15.3 million
  • June: $15.4 million
  • July: $15.5 million
  • August: $15.8 million
  • September: $15.9 million
  • October: $16.2 million
  • November: $16.3 million

Total for January-November 2016: $169.2 million

Kindle Unlimited October KENP rate rises to $0.0052 as KDP Select fund hits $16.2 million

Kindle Unlimited KENP rate rises by 9% in September but borrows fall sharply amid page-flip mystery

Kindle Unlimited KENP rate falls to $0.0045 for August — the lowest level under post-recount system

Kindle Unlimited total ebook borrows hit over 100 million in 2015