Authors can now build book series pages on Amazon through KDP

If you’ve got a series of books on Amazon you can now publish and update ebook and paperback series details pages automatically through Kindle Direct Publishing.

An Amazon series page is a product detail page that shows an overview of your series details and gives readers the opportunity to buy and read all of the books in your series. Series pages are available on desktop computers and in mobile web browsers.

With the launch of series pages in KDP, you can now:

Create a new series

For any titles in your KDP account, you can create an ordered or unordered series to help readers on, and find all the books in your series on a single page. Once you create a series page your age should appear within 72 hours.

View and organize your series

Navigate from a series title on your Bookshelf to view and manage books in your series. Review series details and titles to ensure the information is up-to-date for readers.

Edit an existing series to control how it appears to readers

Adjust description. In addition, add, remove, re-order or change whether your titles are main or related content. Learn more.

If you already had an ebook series detail page available on, that series should now have been added in your KDP account. You can view existing series in your account by visiting your KDP Bookshelf and checking the box on the bookshelf for View titles in series.  If you don’t see your series in your account, you can create a new series.

Series pages are available on (US), (UK) and (Germany) but not all features are available in the UK and Germany. Series that contain paperback and pre-order books are available on, but not on and Amazon says it is working to add more series features in the future.

To create a series page, go to the Bookshelf in your KDP account, click on Create series, enter the details and click on Submit updates.

Your series title will appear on the series page to help readers find all the books in your series.

A series can be ordered or unordered. Choose ordered if you want to display numbers next to the titles of your books to indicate a sequence. Choose unordered if the books can be read in any order.

Amazon will automatically create your series detail page image using up to the first three book covers in your series.

If you leave the series description blank, Amazon will display the description from the first book in the series

After you create a series, you can edit your series details by using Manage series in your Bookshelf which will enable you to re-order your books, add or remove titles, change whether your titles are main or related content, and delete a series to remove a series page.

1-click ordering, or ‘bulk buy’, allows readers to buy all the ebooks in your series with one click from your series page. Series 1-click ordering is available for most series but subject to some limitations:

Up to 50 titles:

If your series contains more than 50 titles, series 1-click ordering will not be available.

Single KDP account

If your series includes titles from multiple accounts, series 1-click ordering will not be available.

Series with items unavailable on Kindle

If your series contains a title that is unavailable for sale on Kindle, series 1-click ordering will not be available.

Pre-order titles not included

If a series has a title available for pre-order, it will show on the series page but won’t be included in the 1-click order. Customers can pre-order that item individually from the series page. Series 1-click ordering is not available until the series contains at least two available titles.

Supported for ebook only

Series 1-click ordering is only available for Kindle ebooks. Readers can add paperbacks to cart individually and purchase them through the normal checkout process.

Series ‘Read for Free’ w/ 1-click is not supported

Series 1-click ordering is only available for “buy” actions. We support borrowing through Kindle Unlimited at an individual title level.

You can find out more about Series pages here on the KDP website.

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